Making Mother's Day Interactive and Memorable in Upper Elementary

Sometimes creating holiday activities in the upper grades can be a little tricky.  There are so many cute ideas for Mother's day on Pinterest and TpT, but many of them are little too young for my sixth graders.  This year we have been working a lot on spatial relationships and geometry.  I was playing around with some foldable shapes, and came up with the idea having my students make their mom's (aunt, grandmother, special person) a geometry flower.

I add some writing elements, including asking students to describe their moms, write similes, draw a picture, and let their mom know why they love them.

We cut out the circles after writing and coloring both sides and folded the shapes back to make triangles.

Next we stapled the pieces together with the triangle point at the bottom to make a four-sided flower.  I had my students color a large Popsicle stick with a green marker (you could also paint them) and I hot glued the stick to the bottom to create a stem.

To pretty them up I asked my students to bring in rolls of ribbon that they may have had left over from other projects, and we tied and glued ribbons to the stem.  Lastly, we filled the bottom of the flower with about 7-8 Hershey's Kisses and Hugs candy.  We decorated small gift bags that I purchased at the dollar store, and made a card for our moms.

But you could also have your students just create a card and attach it to the flower with ribbon like this:

One of the things I liked about the project was that it involved several elements of learning.  Writing, reflection, math and art.  My students had a great time discussing words that may describe their parent, and we all laughed at some of the similes they came up with.

If you are interested in doing something similar, you can go {HERE} for the product.
I would love to hear how you make Mother's Day special in your Upper Elementary Classroom.

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