Hi friends! Did I fall off the blogging train or what! Me and my big ideas for setting up routines and blogging more. It's been 8 months readers! Ummm... time to reevaluate those goals.
Can I be honest? Sometimes being a single parent, even to teenagers is HARD friends. I feel like I am constantly on the move. Being a perfectionist Virgo doesn't help matters any. Over the past two years, I've found myself just getting through the days. I started this blog as a way to connect with fellow teachers, and to find a writing outlet for myself. Then I evitably got stuck and busy and all the other excuses for not blogging came along with it. This summer has been no exception to the busy life, but it did give me some time to pause and reflect. In those few moments of silence, I realized that I missed writing. I missed making connections with people.
Let me start by evaluating some of the goals I had for 2018:
I"m going to start by just making a few changes to my lifestyle. I know myself well enough to know that if I try to do too many things, I won't DO any of them. I am an awesome planner, but sometimes I get overwhelmed by my plans, and then well, I don't do any of them. Anyone else do that too? We should make a TRIBE!
I'm going to start 2018 by:
1) Going to a yoga class once a week. I'm hoping I can up the ante on this after a month or so and make it twice a week, but baby steps for me tend to turn into bigger leaps down the road, so once a week is the plan at the moment. I'm making this blog my accountability piece, so once a month I'm going to post about my progress and focus.
2) Getting my steps in each day. My goal is to get between 8,000 - 10,000 steps in each day. I've been a huge slacker in monitoring my steps, but my mom just gave me her Fitbit tracker when she got an Apple Watch (Yes, the jealousy is real), so I'm going to hold myself a little more accountable.
Did I make it?: NOPE... Nope...... NOPE... not even once did this girl make it to a Yoga class in the last 8 months... instant slacker with super good intentions. I NEED to do this for my own self-care! The steps... meh.. sometimes yes, sometimes no... hey- I'm a work in progress.
A second area I want to focus on in 2018 is my Purpose:
I'll be honest, I haven't quite got this one figured out yet. I want to continue to help my parents, friends, and family in any way possible. I want to find a church where I leave every week with a message to meditate on. I want to continue teaching my students, but I'm thinking there might be something bigger in my future. Maybe a coaching position, or something where I can help teachers be better educators as well. I want to coach people not only about teaching but about living a full life. I'm not 100% sure about this, but I know that if I have faith... I will also have answers.
Ok... purpose? YEEEESSSS! In the last 8 months, I have found a wonderful church that leaves me thinking, learning and becoming closer to God. I've been so happy with this step. I've also accepted a new position at my school where I will be coaching teachers. I'm so excited for the school year to start and to see what the year will bring. With this new position, and change I'm sure I'll be blogging about different things too. I'd like to focus more on what I'm seeing overall in schools, books, and education trends. I'm also going to share some more lifestyle posts. This helps me with self-care because your life cannot just be your job! So more purpose... put that in the winner winner chicken dinner category! <virtual high five>
2018 is going to be a year of ABUNDANCE! Not just financial abundance... because hey, we could all use a little bit more of that am I right? But of an abundance of patience, kindness, and SELF-CARE! I want to be like Oprah... and you get some.... and you get some.... and you get some......, but not at the stake of my own wellness and financial peace, and that is what I tended to do in the past. I want abundance for myself and others. I want the people around me to have full hearts. I know this starts with what I put out into the world, and I only have that control over myself.
This one... work in progress! I'm still in that mode of giving all that I can to others and feeling guilty when I fail miserably. That mentality puts my self-care DEAD LAST in priorities. Slowly I'm learning that in order for my family to be ok... I have to be ok first. I'll get there! I know I will.
So my dear readers, or in this case probably just my mother because I haven't blogged in forever, I'm wondering if you spend time re-evaluating your goals at the end of summer as school begins again? Anyone interested in making changes, and following through with some accountable talk?
Good Vibes,
Can I be honest? Sometimes being a single parent, even to teenagers is HARD friends. I feel like I am constantly on the move. Being a perfectionist Virgo doesn't help matters any. Over the past two years, I've found myself just getting through the days. I started this blog as a way to connect with fellow teachers, and to find a writing outlet for myself. Then I evitably got stuck and busy and all the other excuses for not blogging came along with it. This summer has been no exception to the busy life, but it did give me some time to pause and reflect. In those few moments of silence, I realized that I missed writing. I missed making connections with people.
Let me start by evaluating some of the goals I had for 2018:
I"m going to start by just making a few changes to my lifestyle. I know myself well enough to know that if I try to do too many things, I won't DO any of them. I am an awesome planner, but sometimes I get overwhelmed by my plans, and then well, I don't do any of them. Anyone else do that too? We should make a TRIBE!
I'm going to start 2018 by:
1) Going to a yoga class once a week. I'm hoping I can up the ante on this after a month or so and make it twice a week, but baby steps for me tend to turn into bigger leaps down the road, so once a week is the plan at the moment. I'm making this blog my accountability piece, so once a month I'm going to post about my progress and focus.
2) Getting my steps in each day. My goal is to get between 8,000 - 10,000 steps in each day. I've been a huge slacker in monitoring my steps, but my mom just gave me her Fitbit tracker when she got an Apple Watch (Yes, the jealousy is real), so I'm going to hold myself a little more accountable.
Did I make it?: NOPE... Nope...... NOPE... not even once did this girl make it to a Yoga class in the last 8 months... instant slacker with super good intentions. I NEED to do this for my own self-care! The steps... meh.. sometimes yes, sometimes no... hey- I'm a work in progress.
A second area I want to focus on in 2018 is my Purpose:
I'll be honest, I haven't quite got this one figured out yet. I want to continue to help my parents, friends, and family in any way possible. I want to find a church where I leave every week with a message to meditate on. I want to continue teaching my students, but I'm thinking there might be something bigger in my future. Maybe a coaching position, or something where I can help teachers be better educators as well. I want to coach people not only about teaching but about living a full life. I'm not 100% sure about this, but I know that if I have faith... I will also have answers.
Ok... purpose? YEEEESSSS! In the last 8 months, I have found a wonderful church that leaves me thinking, learning and becoming closer to God. I've been so happy with this step. I've also accepted a new position at my school where I will be coaching teachers. I'm so excited for the school year to start and to see what the year will bring. With this new position, and change I'm sure I'll be blogging about different things too. I'd like to focus more on what I'm seeing overall in schools, books, and education trends. I'm also going to share some more lifestyle posts. This helps me with self-care because your life cannot just be your job! So more purpose... put that in the winner winner chicken dinner category! <virtual high five>
2018 is going to be a year of ABUNDANCE! Not just financial abundance... because hey, we could all use a little bit more of that am I right? But of an abundance of patience, kindness, and SELF-CARE! I want to be like Oprah... and you get some.... and you get some.... and you get some......, but not at the stake of my own wellness and financial peace, and that is what I tended to do in the past. I want abundance for myself and others. I want the people around me to have full hearts. I know this starts with what I put out into the world, and I only have that control over myself.
This one... work in progress! I'm still in that mode of giving all that I can to others and feeling guilty when I fail miserably. That mentality puts my self-care DEAD LAST in priorities. Slowly I'm learning that in order for my family to be ok... I have to be ok first. I'll get there! I know I will.
So my dear readers, or in this case probably just my mother because I haven't blogged in forever, I'm wondering if you spend time re-evaluating your goals at the end of summer as school begins again? Anyone interested in making changes, and following through with some accountable talk?
Good Vibes,