Good morning! I was up fairly early today pouring over a few of my favorite blogs via Bloglovin', and read about this great link up party via Primary Powers. My friend Kim over at the Finding Joy in 6th Grade (great gal... great blog... go follow her if you aren't) was sharing how hard it is to pick just one word. How you have to mull it over a little and think about how it will stay with you. Last year, my one word was easy: FAITH. I knew there would be a lot of changes for my family in 2014. We would be living in a new state, with new jobs, and a new home, new schools. I needed Faith a lot in 2014 with all those life changes. Now in 2015, I've had to think a little differently about my new word. It's had to roll around a little in my head. What do I want to accomplish this year? What will settle me when stress wants to take over? Here is what I think will stick with me this year:
I've listened to The Secret and The Power while making my morning commute to work in December. I know that some people think it's hokey, and a pile of junk, but it came into my life at a time when I needed something to grab on to. With the stress of holidays, EQTs for my own children, and my husband up to his ears in Marching Band- Bowl Game planning, I needed something to set my soul for the day, and these books did the trick. I found myself waking in the morning and projecting gratitude outward into my life. Thanking the universe for the health of my family, and the love I had for them. Thanking the universe for the prosperity of my TpT store and the abundance of success I was having at school with my class. And, well, it came back to me. Here is one example:
If you read about my crazy December {HERE} you know that I took my daughter to New Orleans to play in Tuba Christmas in Jackson Square. The rehearsal was at Loyola University. No problem getting there, great parking spot up front, beautiful area. I had to ask someone how to get to the French Quarter. A mom who was there waiting for her husband and son started to give me directions, then realized they had changed some of the street names. Because her family was already going to be heading down there, she jumped in the car WITH ME.. gave me directions to get to the French Quarter, showed me where to park, invited my family to eat lunch with her and her family, and kept track of where we needed to be in Jackson Square. Random Act of Kindess? You bet! But I firmly believe it was because I projected gratitude and kindness out into the world, that when I NEEDED it, it returned to me.
Ok... I'm done.. THAT was a lot for ONE. LITTLE. WORD..
but hey, if you are at a crossroad, and need a little nudge, then maybe my story will help you!
Happy New Year!