12-12-12.. can you believe it! What a great day to be a math teacher! I love days like this.. so many possibilities! I'm partial to 11-11-11 actually, that is my daughter's birthday... Last year she turned 11 on 11-11-11. We celebrated by surprising her and taking her on a tour of the White House. She was UBER excited.. we met Bo the President's dog.. very cool.
In honor of such a great day, I'm linking up with a few peeps over at Miss Kindergarten and A Teeny TIny Teacher to celebrate their 12 in 12 Favorite Things Linky.
Here are mine:
12: Favorite Movie of 2012- Batman Returns. This morning was so cool. I loved all the twists and turns and suspense.. and special effects.. My Inner Geek was so excited!
11: Favorite TV series: Hmmm this one is difficult. I don't watch a lot of tv. I guess I'm partial to the Big Bang Theory.. again.. Inner Geek.. BAZINGA
10: Favorite Restaurant: I like Pizza.. my favorite place is a tiny artsy, crazy, pizza joint that thinks its a junkyard in Gainesville Florida called Satchels. CHOMP CHOMP
9: Favorite new thing you tried in 2012: Blogging. I wasn't sure if I wanted to put myself out there, but I'm glad I did. Now I am patiently waiting for my blog redesign... I can't wait... it is HARD to be patient!
8: Favorite gift you got: My red Converse sneakers.. they were a Back to School present.
7: Favorite thing I pinned: Totally back to my Inner Geek.. and I can't pick just one...
6: Favorite Blog Post: Writing about using my Interactive Notebook and the different foldies I've made with my students. I love my Math Notebook, and my students are really taking ownership!
5: Best Accomplishment: Working and teaching with other teachers through my classroom and blogging. Having the courage to stick with blogging when I wasn't sure people would be interested.
4: Favorite Picture:

The kids thought they were so funny "tricking" us into standing in the Splash Zone..Ha

3: Favorite Memory of 2012: Our family trip to Universal Studios. We loved going to Hogsmeade and drinking Butter Beer. My son rode the Hulk roller coaster and it was quite a thrill!
2: Goal for 2013: Continue to work on improving my Blog, Posts and TpT store. Getting back into running again.
1: One little Word: PERSEVERANCE
Be loud, Be proud, Be ORANGE