One of the ways that I work in vocabulary and details is with a 3-2-1 Reflections Graphic Organizer. We recently read informational text about the increase in the number of child immigrants that are illegally entering the United States. Using our 3-2-1 graphic organizer we found academic vocabulary that was related to the story, two details that supported the story, and wrote one question that still remained after the article was finished.
If you are interested, you can grab the organizer {HERE}. It is a FREEBIE in my TpT store. I've provided two different copies. One is similar to the organizer mentioned above, the second is blank so you can add what you need as far reflections. We've used them when looking at compare/contrast text structure as well as facts and opinions. If you were analyzing a poem, the 3-2-1 might be good for figurative language or thematic details.
I'm going to continue working with text structure informational analysis throughout the week.
We'll be using my Buddy Bookmarks
Sorry I didn't get a picture of these in use.. the one I took was blurry. These are part of my Navigating Nonfiction Text posters and bookmark set. I love these because we can use them with ANY text. I'll also be incorporating some of the Reading Rectangles from my Reader Response Pack. We are going to focus on Compare/Contrast structure next, and I'll even be incorporating that language into my math topics with integers. It is important for my students to understand that these types of structures are in all subject areas, and the 3 2 1 Reflection organizer will be a quick formative assessment for me to use.
Do you have any further suggestions for this type of organizer? I'd love to hear! Have a great week!

I love the way that you used the 3-2-1 with informational text. I use 3-2-1s during reading too and try to connect it to the skills and strategies that we are focused on. They make great exit slips too!
Mrs O Knows