Writer's Notebooks.. I am..

When I think about my Smarties, sometimes that song from Toby Keith runs through my mind.. 
"Wanna Talk about Me.. Wanna Talk about I.. Wanna Talk about Number 1"

I love them dearly, but preteens really think about themselves.  Don't get me wrong, they are kind, and friendly, and helpful, but they love to talk about themselves!  My teamie and I wanted to monopolize on their thought process at the beginning of the year, and learn more about the kids we are going to spend the year with.  Have you see this "I AM A" sheet?  My teamie saw the idea somewhere on Pinterest.. sorry original person, I can't find you now. <sad face... if you read this send me a message so I can give you credit>
What I love the most about this is that it gives my Smarties an entire page to TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES!  Something they love to do <hee hee> and then we can use this information throughout our narrative unit.  We have written our rough drafts, and are ready to begin reviewing revision of leads, transitions and conclusions.  Five weeks have already gone by, can you believe it!


  1. Good idea! It makes me think of a heart map, but targeted towards older students.

    Sara :)
    The Colorful Apple

  2. Terrific idea for the Narrative unit. My ELA 6 just finished a very productive unit which started out using the Heart Map. I will incorporate the I AM next year so they have a choice. I follow / stalk your blog and never fail to get loads of great ideas!
    Joanne M
    Come visit and follow me at Traveling Though Sixth

  3. I really like this! I can't believe five weeks have gone by too--this year has flown already!! I hope you are doing great :) :)


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