Check out what this product has to offer:
You get over 300+ pages of activities, 19 PRODUCTS!! Including ELA, MATH, and SCIENCE for only $25.00. Most of these products you can not individually purchase, but they make a great bundle!
The diversity and ability to differentiate within these is fabulous. Even though I teach 6th grade, I am still using a ton of these products in centers as review. I especially like the math task cards. I can put some of them in a math center rotation a week or two before beginning my decimals unit, and it really helps to refresh my students thinking about the basics.
I included a set of 30 task cards to practice Number Sense using a Hundreds Chart. These are 4-5 step riddles that help students practice basic operations phrases and computation skills. There are three different levels so you are able to differentiate. Plus.. don't even get me started on the ELA goodies! Seriously! You know your kids have different interests, let alone reading levels. These products make my job SO... MUCH.. EASIER!
How can you beat getting to spend a little more weekend time with your family because we have made easy planning for you ON TOP OF supporting a fellow teacher. Go {HERE} to check out this amazing product.
Have a great weekend!

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