#1: I'm a New Yorker living in the sweet South. I was born and raised in Upstate New York, and I'm currently learning a little Southern culture in my sweet home of Alabama. I'll admit, I'm not 100% sold on all things southern.. I mean I still think my teeth will crack from all the sugar in the tea, but I will admit I do love the weather. This time of year I miss the NY apples, and the State Fair, but I do love that it's still 90 degrees every day and I don't have to worry about finding a winter coat! The picture below is from Mardi Gras 2015. I'll take shorts and short sleeves in February any day!
#2: Converse sneakers are a little bit of an obsession. I have pairs of black, blue, red, brown and purple. Gray will be my next pair. I'm hoping I get them for my birthday.
#3: This is my 22nd year of teaching. I've spent 16 years teaching sixth grade, and I love this age group. They are finding their sense of humor, beginning to understand puns, but still haven't become jadded and snarky. I mean how can you not love these faces!
#4: I have a bit of an obsession with The Tonight Dough ice cream. If you have read any previous posts, you may have known this already. One night in a moment of weakness my daughter and I scoured the local Walmart and bought out all they had. I'll be eating it for weeks!
#5: I'm shy and quiet until you get to know me. I love to read books and listen to all kinds of music. My family is really into music, my husband being an Assistant Director of Bands, my daughter the principal chair tuba player in her Wind Ensemble, and my son, principal bass chair in the Mobile Youth Symphony Orchestra. ME? I used to play the saxophone, and the drums, but now I'm content to clap and cheer from my seat.

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