I'm linking up with some "loverly" ladies at Primary Possibilities for a super fun blog hop. So Mercedes is here at Coffee Cups as my Guest blogger:
Hi! My name is Mercedes Hutchens. I have a blog called Surfing to
I’m excited Michele gave
me this opportunity to be a guest blogger on Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans.
am currently teaching 5th grade. I work with a wonderful team of teachers and have the
opportunity to departmentalize so I get to teach math three times a day. (I also have my homeroom and teach
ELD.) This is a new experience for
me. I’ve been teaching 15 years but most of those were in 1st and 2nd
grade. I am loving teaching mostly
math. It is so wonderful to have
the ability to really focus on one subject.
said, can you guess what I want to talk to you about today? Yep, Math. But, if you stick around there is a freebie at the end that
can actually be used in almost every grade.
in California. I’m feeling a bit
like I’m playing catch up with the rest of the country when it comes to the
Common Core. We in California are still
being tested on the California State Standards this year. My district isn’t completely sure what
we’ll be tested on next year but we will definitely be tested on the Common
Core the following year. I feel
like that puts me in this weird transitional period. In the years to come, my students will be learning Common
Core standards. I feel I need to
prepare them not only for this years test, but also for the years to come. Ever feel like you’re being pulled in
so many directions you might as well stand still? Well, I can’t let myself do that so this is where the Common
Core Mathematical Practices come in.
Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practices are a part of the Common Core
Standards for K-12. It’s nice to
have something in common with other grade levels. I love to collaborate with the math teachers in the grades
above and below me and plan on ways to give the students some consistency from
grade to grade and now we have these eight math practices in common.
to precision or persevering in solving problems will be drastically different
in Kindergarten then it is in high school, but it is wonderful to know that
over their school career the students will have a common language from year to
year that will help them become amazing mathematicians.
be honest. I’m just getting
started. I’m not exactly sure how
I’m going to make the leap from the California Standards to the Common Core
standards but I do know that I’m going to start by using these practices to
bridge the gap.
now, I’ve created a foldable. I
plan to have them glue it into our math journals. As we learn and use a practice, we will open up to our
foldable and take notes and probably put an example.
you introduced the Common Core Standards Mathematical Practices to your
students? Do you have tips for me?
love for you to hop over to my blog http://surfingtosuccess.blogspot.com and consider following
me. Maybe you can be part on this
journey into the Common Core. I like to give away freebies. Some are math and some are backgrounds
and clipart. Stop by and say hi.
for listening. If you’ve lasted
this long you can download a PDF with everything pictured today including the
foldable. Just go to this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lyr9njvzfitcdb9/Common%20Core%20Mathematical%20Practices%20Freebie%20.pdf
Isn't Mercedes great! So many of these bloggers on this Blog Hop have fabulous ideas!

We are going to common core in Indiana (K and first are full common core) and now there is talks of leaving the common core and going back to Indiana state standards! Can't seem to keep up!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up!
We too are heading towards Common Core in Colorado. I was so excited to see your post because two of my colleagues and I are doing a PD on Tuesday about the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Thanks for sharing your awesome work!
Craft of Teaching
This is our first year of just using Common Core and it has been a big change.
ReplyDelete~Diving Into Learning