Five for Friday FLashback....Random Thoughts

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs and Amanda at Teaching Maddeness with 5 for FRIDAY FLASHBACK! <Holla>

#1:  It was so great to be back at school this week!  I have been out of my classroom for 6 school days in a row grading assessments.. blech!  My smarties are running wild!  I need to reign them back in a little.  I still have 5 more weeks of school!

#2:  How cute is my pooch!  He is Bernese Mountain Dog.  I just brought him back from a playdate and grooming.. He is so FLLLLUUUFFFFYYYY.. <Say that in your best Despricable Me voice> "
I'm Gonna Die!  LOL

#3 We all know that this was Teacher Appreciation week.... We don't get out of school until the end of June,  so we don't usually get gifts or cards from students until then.  But we did get goodies all week.
I love these two gifts that I saw:
I think this might have to be a purchase for myself today.. payday Friday and all.. There is also one that says This MOM runs on Dunkin.... but I'm leaning toward the teacher one.
I love this gift too:
There is a packet of EXTRA gum on the inside.  I ordered these from a teacher at school who's sister  is crafty.  I love them.  My own kiddoes are going to give them to their teachers in June, along with a gift card for COFFEE.. <of course>

#4 My Little Man got a little extra praise this week from his school librarian:
Little Man is one of 40 students in the whole school who got this postcard.   It is commending him for a job well done on a research project... so very proud of him.

#5 Last but not LEAST I am loving these shoes:
Orange KEENS! WOOT WOOT.. I know they aren't purty flip flops or heels, but they are the shoes I practically live in all summer long.  Right now I have a BLUE pair, because I didn't realize they made ORANGE.. now of course Orange is on my to GET list!... Where is Farley and her Currently when I need to express something I NEED! <hee hee>

Stop by Doodle Bugs and link up your Five for Friday! Enjoy your weekend..


  1. I think I'm going to have to get one of those Dunkin cups for myself. And your pup is adorable!

    I am your newest follower & found your through Five for Friday too. Have a great weekend!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. OOO I LOVE the ORANGE KEENS! I think I need those! Ok..explain SIX DAYS out of the classroom? YIKES! Good luck getting your kiddos back into routines! I am sure that is hard!
    Happy FRIDAY!


    1. We have to grade parts of our assessments here in NY.
      I had to grade ELA 6, and ELA 7. I am a trainer for 6th grade, so I was out a say prepping to train, then I had to Train and Score Math 6, score Math 7 .. I took a day off myself because mentally I was not functioning.. then had to go back and score Math 8.
      By then... not so much fun.
      Enjoy your weekend!!

  3. Congrats to your little man and your fluffy pouch. ;) Happy Teacher's Appreciation Week! :) I'm grabbing your button for my blog. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. I think I need those ORANGE keens too!!! LOL

  5. I like the one that says this teacher runs on Dunkin! Congrats to your son for a job well done!
    Conversations in Literacy

  6. I'm totally needing that runs on Dunkin cup!! Congrats to our son:)

  7. I hate being out of the classroom too! And your pooch is adorable:).


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