Today starts are first full week of school! I have a few things to share today, because Tara has started her Monday Made-Its as a monthly link up, and that gives me time to actually finish what I am working on.
First, I made these clipboards:
I have to show off a little of my Gator pride when I am not in Gator Nation. I am still looking for Syracuse duct tape, to make 2 more, I may have to order it online. This project was relatively simple for me. I use one sheet of duct tape for the blue in the center. I found it on sale at Staples for $0.25, and I figured that would be easier than running the lines of tape all across the board. I knew I would never get them all straight! I made two of these clipboards, and I'm going to keep them separate from the ones I give my kids to use. I'll use them for my grades, and data collection, and as my clipboard for busing at the end of the day.
Second are these numbered clothespins.
I am going to attach magnets to the back of these and have my students use them when we put writing or projects up in the hallway. All of my students are assigned a number, and by using these, I will easily be able to tell who is finished or not finished with a particular assignment. I love the ease of washi tape!
Speaking of washi tape: Here is my third project:
This is my fastpass board. Because I work on a team, I convinced my teammate to number her students with different numbers than I did, so that we could create and collect data on all the kids without having 2 number one's. She is totally crafty, and created a really cute board for exit slips using library pockets. This way, we don't waste as many post it notes. Our district will print pads of paper for us, so our students will answer our question for the exit slip, and put it in the library pocket. My teammate is a Disney fanatic! So her board is made with a cute Mickey ear stamp. Keeping with the Disney idea, we decided to call it a FASTPASS station instead of a ticket out the door. Since I am all about the converse sneakers, I made mine with chucks. I created the board using the library pockets, and old diskette labels... DISKETTE! Found them at a Goodwill for $1.00 I can't beat that!
Lastly, to use up the labels I found at that super low bargain price, I made Smartie Locker reminders for my kids for the first day of school.
After I got my locker list, I added student names, locker numbers, and combos to the list, and my students keep these in the plastic pocket of their agendas until they memorize the combos.
Do you have anything fun that you have made over the past few weeks? Stop by and visit Tara, and link up to share!

I love your fast pass idea for exit slips! I have contemplated making one, but was worried about having enough sticky notes for the year. Library pockets would work perfectly!! Thanks for the tip:)
Fun in Room 4B
I love your clipboard. It looks great! I really need to do something with mine.
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Love your clipboard! You know I love the SEC!
Barrow's Hodgepodge