Those Fractions and Decimals! What Tricky Math.. Great Help from Educents!

Friends, my Smarties are just finishing up with a long, long, workout with fractions and decimals.  Even though I have moved on to integers and rational numbers, those pesky fractions and decimals keep coming back to haunt us.  I'm so glad that I've come upon so many different resources for multiplication, fractions and decimals.  My Decimals Scoot and Task Cards have been a life saver for me over the past few weeks.  I've been pulling them out during my Core Lab time and reviewing key points with struggling students.  One of things I love about them is that they contain both computation and word problems.  I can take the basics and start slow with my kids that are really struggling.  Then, I can pull a group of my "accelerated" math students and challenge them with word problems.  Everyone gets a little extra push on their level.  

If you are looking for ways to challenge your students you may want to take a look at this amazing deal over at Educents!  I have teamed up with 5 other fantastic sellers to load your classrooms with 10 resources to help kids with this tricky math.

Along with my Decimal Task Cards and Scoot, I've also included my Lessons and Interactive Notebook Foldable for Greatest Common Factor, Least Common Multiple and Prime Factorization.  I teach these basic skills early in the year, and then revisit them several times so my Smarties retain the information. 

I always pull a little math back into my social studies unit when I teach Ancient Greece.  Have you heard of Eratosthenes?  He is an ancient Greek scientist and mathematician.  He is also a librarian who managed to measure the Earth with extreme accuracy in Ancient Greek times.  I love to read this book with them:
Erathosthenes is also the man responsible for discovering that all numbers factor themselves into primes.  It is perfect when starting to teach students about factors, fractions, and divisibility rules.  I used it as a great connection between our math lessons and ancient history.  

For a limited time the entire bundle of awesomeness for teaching those tricky math concepts is $10.99 from {Educents} which is about 70% off!  You get 10 total products which are amazing to use.  There is so much differentiation within in the pack, it will challenge both your high achievers and your struggling students!  AND!! Guess what!  This weekend you can get the bundle for $9.99, just use the sales code PRES10.  You can also link through using the Educents banner that you see on my side bar. 
If you haven't used Educents before you can become a member through this link {REFERRAL LINK}.  It will give you 20% off your first purchase! 

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