The book I'd like to share is really any sports book that contains Statistics. I even use the box scores in the newspaper! Amazon has a great book:
I've also used the media books for basketball and hockey. With our snow starting to slowly melt, everyone is getting itchy to start baseball and softball practice, so I find baseball or basketball stats (March Madness anyone?) work best. We use the books to find famous baseball player's batting averages and number of hits compared to at bats. Of course, what we learn is pretty basic, but it does get my kids talking about math, and that's what I want! I teach them how to write a ratio in fraction form, and then turn the ratio into a decimal by division.
Then we look up the batting average of a player in a given year, and based on his number of at bats, we find the number of hits that he had. They love to do this for famous players.
Enjoy your day!

I love that you are making real world connections with statistics! Now they won't ask why they need to know this! Thanks for linking up friend!
Great lesson for statistics!! Thanks for the great idea :)