This semester our End of Unit Task involved Inventions and Innovations. We found an amazing product on TpT to help us out, (you can go {HERE} to view it) and our idea of a Shark Tank Parent Night was born!
To begin we had our students learn the difference between an invention and an innovation. We had been studying people who had made a difference in the state of Florida, and found that using inventors and innovators kept our students attention. After learning the difference between the two we introduced the writing/research unit by showing our kids a few videos of Shark Tank that involved kid inventors and innovators. They were hooked! They couldn't believe there were kids on the show asking ... and GETTING thousands of dollars for their great ideas!
Each student created either an invention or an innovation. We went through the development process using the product from TpT, students created a 3 minute persuasive speech, a 3D model of their product, and either a display board or a created a technology presentation on SWAY (which is like PowerPoint). We invited parents to be the SHARKS. We asked students to dress up and present their inventions or innovation to the parents who asked a ton of questions and really got involved. Since we are a PBIS school, we gave the parents our praise tickets as investment money. When parents saw a product they thought was good, they "invested" in it by giving the student tickets. Our students were so excited to earn tickets, and really upped their presentation skills to try and get as many tickets as possible. We have great prizes in our Pelican Post store, and only a few days of school left. It was a wonderful way for our school community to come together. Our students really had some great opportunities to practice speaking in front of small crowds, and they were all so proud of their inventions and innovations.
The kids were so excited about this project, and I think it was an amazing way to end the school year.
Are you required to do Parent Involvement Nights? I'm looking for a few good ideas for next year, and I would love your thoughts! Do you do anything similar to Shark Tank?
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