Harry Potter

OK my teacher friends.. I know that many of you have started back to school or are getting ready to go back next week.  I am one of those lucky ones who doesn't go back until after Labor Day.  I am loving this time frame this year because I get a chance to see all of my favorite bloggers set up their classrooms and of course I can beg and borrow  steal their best ideas.  One thing I have been thinking a lot about this year is how to start my first set of ELA lessons.  I am going with a modified Daily 5 program this year.  Really doing what I call a Big 4~ Read to Self; Work on Writing; Word Work and Spelling.  But, I like to set routine with my sixth graders and use whole group reading the first week or so.  Usually, they are so overwhelmed with the whole locker, class movement and cafeteria, they don't remember much of anything else.
"24 and I Loved the Butter Beer Slushie in Hogsmeade"
To get to my POINT-- I visited Universal Studios earlier this summer with my fam, and we went to Harry Potter for the first time.  My daughter (I'll call her two-four- it's her sports thing) and I are HUGE Potter fans,

"It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends."  ~ Albus Dumbledore-- FABULOUS MONTRA for Middle Schoolers!!

and ANYWAY I was thinking about a reading piece I used to do with my classes when I was the building reading teacher.  This was back when HP had just gotten big.  A chapter in the first book describes HP's first Hogwarts experience, how big the school is and how scared Harry was.  I used to read that with my students and then brainstorm how their first days were similar to Harry's.  They would do a poetry writing piece about this called Walking into Ray (which is the name of my school) where they would then describe how they felt about our school using their 5 senses.  

What I'm wondering is, how relevant would the Harry Potter reference still be?  It has been awhile since the books and movies have come out, and although it is still popular, I'm unsure if it would have the same affect.  Any thoughts on the topic?


  1. I live so close to here...that I have an annual pass...I love me some HP!!!!

    1. My daughter and I really love all things Harry Potter. The ride was really intense! We tend to get motion sickness and we were good through about the last 30 seconds of the ride.. then we started to feel it. We loved it though!



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