Silence for Sandy Hook Elemetary

Silence for Sandy Hook Elementary
(Thank you MelonHeadz)
I'm participating in a Teacher-Blogger day of silence in honor of those who were tragically taken too soon.  Use today as a day to honor and remember.
My daughter is already texting her friends about wearing GREEN and WHITE to school on MONDAY to honor those who lost their lives..Can anyone confirm these school colors for me?  
Pass it forward!


  1. All day today is the day of silence? I want to participate as well. When you have a confirmation on the school colors, will you comment? I want to email my parent group about it.

    1. I'm not sure.. I saw it from a friend and felt it was a great idea. I will post a reply if I get colors confirmation. If you hear as well I would appreciate you letting me know.

  2. I did find on the website that the colors are Green and White

  3. I did find on the website that the colors are Green and White


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I will make every effort to respond back to you!

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